Friday, July 24, 2009

Think Tank


Here’s the final painting!  I did a first pass in watercolour but it looked washed out, so I went out to the store and bought myself a whole set of gouache.  It turns out that I LOVE gouache!!

While I was at the store, I also bought myself an Incredible Nib to apply the masking fluid.  Previous to the Nib, I was using a toothpick to apply masking fluid because I didn’t want to ruin my brushes. 
Toothpicks suck.  The Incredible Nib, however, is totally amazing!  I even used it to paint the straight lines with a ruler.

You can click on the picture for a closer view. 


  1. Holy crap, That is amazing!!! I just set it as my wallpaper for work.

    So you're using gouache now? Wasn't that prohibitively expensive in earlier centuries? Aren't we happy we live in the 21st? Now you can just go down to the store and pick some up!


  2. Thanks! I'm flattered that you like it that much!

    I'm not sure about the history of gouache, but it doesn't seem to be as popular a medium as watercolour for some reason. I'm using gouache almost exclusively these days because it's a little more forgiving than watercolour and (more importantly) its colours can become much more intense.
