Sunday, December 20, 2009

The Three Robbers Part 1

I recently finished an assignment where I had to illustrate a story. I was required to do 4 illustrations for the story "The Three Robbers" by Tomi Ungerer.
Unfortunately, I have handed in the first panel and I have not scanned it in. So here is the first panel that I did in rough.
And here is the text to go with it:

Once upon a time there were three fierce robbers. They went about hidden under large black capes and tall black hats.

The first had a blunderbuss. The second had a pepper-blower. And the third had a huge red axe. In the dark of night they walked the roads, searching for victims.
They terrified everyone. Brave women fainted. Brave men ran. Dogs fled.

To stop carriages, the robbers blew pepper in the horses' eyes. With the axe, they smashed the carriage wheels. And with the blunderbuss, they threatened the passengers and plundered them.

The robbers' hide-out was a cave high up in the mountains. There they carried their loot. They had trunks full of gold, jewels, money, watches, wedding rings, and precious stones.

Stay tuned for the next panel!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, so different from the original pictures of the robbers, in style and all! These robbers are actually kind of creepy. You did this on computer? So you concept on computer than work on paper? Then scan in and touch up on computer? Craziness!
